Every house has a view from which it looks the best. And sometimes a house will have special features the builder wants to stress. Because the majority of the houses we draw exist only as blueprints, it is often difficult to select the right view for the final rendering.

That is why Architectural Graphics offers unlimited preliminary sketches of the house, which you can use to select exactly the right view. This service, which is exclusive to Architectural Graphics, allows you to see a rough sketch of the house from different perspectives. Each is completely accurate, but lacks detail.

No matter how many "a little more to the left" or "a little higher" sketches it takes, we keep going until you have the view you want. We can even sketch how a house will look on a specific site.

You can see how the house will look from the left...

Or how it will look from the right...

Or from up in the air...

Before you make your final selection.

Workman Builders

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